Last week, three people were killed in a hit and run dunk driving collision. The driver was caught and will be tried for three murders. We will see if justice will be served. In the end, regardless of the outcome, three more lives are lost and three more sets of families and friends must come to terms with the grief caused by one person's selfish act.
I am still working on ways to make a difference, however, I have been focusing my efforts most recently on doing what I can to help Amit's widow, Deepika, and his son Jevesh (See my other blog if you are interested in reading more).
I have pondered many ideas on what to do......
Do we try and achieve justice?......The courts and insurance companies have stolen those chances away.......
Do we hope Troy Hovey is willing to make amends for his actions?......I won't hold my breath for a man who has made no legitimate act to apologize (I do not believe an apology before sentencing when facing prison is a heartfelt apology...not to mention his declaration of homestead to protect his assets)......
Do we hope people will voluntarily make the right choice...? Some do, some don't...we hope that most just make the right choice because it is just that...the right choice...some will make that choice because they were touched by tragedy, some will make the right choice for fear of the repercussions (often not to others, but to themselves)......Too many will not make the right choice, whether for laziness, selfishness, etc.
What do we do to enact we focus on getting people to make the right we try and get the courts to enact harsher we inflict heavier monetary fines, longer jail terms, longer terms with no license, etc.
I have sent emails, letters, posted on facebook and MySpace, I write this blog...and it is not is liking walking up a sand dune...but I will continue to work...figure out other venues, contact other victims....I will not let Amit and other victims fade into the backdrop....